population & demographics
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overview (2017)
Total Population (2017) | 302,077 |
Growth Rate for Previous 5 Years (2013-2017) | -2.27% |
Jobs (2017) | 129,636 |
Average Earning (2017) | $37,180 |
Gross Regional Product (2015) | $10,726,054,000 |
race and ethnicity (2023)
- White – 88.4%
- Black – 1.8%
- Asian – 0.5%
- Native American – 5.8%
- All Other Races – 0.5%
age distribution (2023)
- under 18 – 17.5%
- 18 and older – 82.5%
educational attainment (2023)
Education Level | Population Number | Population Percentage |
Graduate Degree and Higher | 19,115 | 9% |
Bachelor's Degree | 35,809 | 16% |
Associate's Degree | 25,470 | 11% |
Some College | 49,652 | 23% |
High School Diploma | 74,342 | 35% |
9th-12th Grade | 10,184 | 5% |
Less Than 9th Grade | 3,266 | 2% |
languages spoken (2017)
Language | Population |
Speak only English | 281,734 |
Spanish | 2,329 |
Other Indo-European Languages | 2,930 |
Asian and Pacific Islander | 1,761 |
Other | 2,328 |
citations and data sources
The Upper Peninsula consists of the following counties: Alger, Baraga, Chippewa, Delta, Dickinson, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Keweenaw, Luce, Mackinac, Marquette, Menominee, Ontonagon, and Schoolcraft
Languages Spoken: U.S. Census Bureau
All other data: Department of Technology Management and Budget, Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives https://milmi.org/