work where you want to live!
Upper Peninsula professionals have the unique opportunity of living in communities with great tech jobs, abundant start-up resources, and world-class nature trails. Start your journey here.
why is living and working in the u.p. so great?
Yes, business is great here. But more important – living is great here. Download our Why Upper Peninsula overview for a quick look at the regions abundant benefits – from one-of-a-kind lifestyles to STEM business and innovation, to details on affordable cost of living. A great read!
u.p. economic overview
Total Population (2017) | 302,077 |
Growth Rate for Previous 5 Years (2013 - 2017) | -2.27% |
Jobs (2017) | 129,636 |
Average Earnings (2017) | $37,180 |
Gross Regional Product (2015) | $10,726,054,000 |
industry highlights
- More than 7,000 companies.
- International leaders in forestry, land management and mining best practices.
- Our communities are nationally ranked “Best Places to Live” by credible publications and news outlets.
- One of Mid-West’s largest aerospace and defense clusters.
- Compared to Silicon Valley, the U.P. is building a similar reputation for STEM and is often referred to as “Innovation Shore”.