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InvestUP is the lead regional economic organization for the Upper Peninsula. Our mission is to drive prosperity across the Upper Peninsula.

Core Values: Proactive, collaboration, leveraging, relationships, thought leaderships and most important to us – results.



InvestUP is the economic development driver of opportunity in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Private sector driven with Michigan Economic Development Corporation support, InvestUP is your pathway to success in the U.P.

about investup

Promote the U.P.

Attract business

Grow business

Develop, retain & attract talent


To be further recognized across the region, state, and nation for its leadership in advancing Upper Peninsula prosperity.


InvestUP is the regional economic development organization serving the Upper Peninsula.


A private-sector led catalyst driving opportunities for people, projects, places, policies, and promotion across the Upper Peninsula.


Core Values

Partnership, leadership, passion, persistence, and productivity.

trending opportunities

Targeted supply chains re-shoring to US.

Opportunities to expand and attract industries with high IP sensitivities & talent infrastructure; defense, medical device, electronics, pharma

Businesses & talent attracted to remote locations from urban clusters.

Priorities to ensure we have a unique competitive advantage are high speed internet access, medical care, lifestyle amenities, affordable professional housing, increase and retain talent pool from K- 4 yr universities, increase air travel

Private sector leadership to drive economic growth.

Limit dependability on state and federal resources, support local EDOs and communities, attract off shore companies, support trade schools, support public education with decreasing enrollment and population

strategic growth industries

Technology Research, Development & Testing

Cybersecurity, HealthTech, 3D Printing, Fin Tech, Software development, telemedicine, automotive

Advanced Precision Manufacturing

Defense, aerospace, medical device, pharma, robotics

Large Equipment Manufacturing

Construction, mining, lumber

Outdoor Research & Testing

Cold-weather, open water, ground vehicle, air, space

People who know the Upper Peninsula with a passion for living and working here. InvestUP has the experience to know where, when, and how to make the right connections for you.

Business and community leaders from across the U.P. lead InvestUP’s entrepreneurial environment. The board is composed of its member organizations’ CEOs and Presidents.

Invest in the Upper Peninsula’s future.

Get involved! It is important for our region to have a robust presence in Lansing. We encourage you to apply for open appointments on one of the 100+ State boards. Please apply here.

Stay Connected

It’s easy to stay connected with the U.P. Be a part of our LinkedIn and Facebook networks. Learn about new business opportunities, development projects, and jobs across networks. Just sign-up here and we will keep you INVESTED.

Sign up today and we will keep you INVESTED.

It’s easy to stay connected with the U.P. Learn about business opportunities and important updates, regional projects, and more.