Sarah Lucas named Michigan’s Deputy for Rural Development

Lake Superior Community Partnership (LSCP) CEO Sarah Lucas has been appointed to the State of Michigan’s newly established Office of Rural Development, effective April 18. As the Deputy for Rural Development, Lucas will serve as the state’s point of contact for community leaders on urgent rural issues. “I’ve spent my career working with and championing the causes of rural communities and care deeply about the challenges and opportunities they face,” said Lucas.

“Sarah has been an excellent partner to us here at InvestUP and across the Upper Peninsula and a strong advocate for addressing challenges in Marquette and across the region,” said InvestUP CEO Marty Fittante. “I am excited to see her transition into this new role with the potential it has to impact rural Michigan. With her passion, her thoughtful and collaborative approach, and her experience and knowledge regarding the challenges facing rural communities, I have no doubt that she will be a strong, difference-making advocate for rural areas across the state.” Congratulations, Sarah! Read more here.

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