InvestUP remains optimistic about UP’s 2022 economy

Despite the challenges many businesses are facing, InvestUP CEO Marty Fittante says there are reasons for optimism about the future of the Upper Peninsula’s economy. Noting that businesses have been faced with hiring challenges, Fittante says that businesses are doing the best they can with the hand they’ve been dealt.

Fittante pointed to investors in the region as a reason to be optimistic about the future. “I think if you look at some of the investment that’s being made into the Back Forty Mine with a new investor, or the Copperwood Mine with new investors there, there are lots of reasons to be excited.” Additionally, the NMU Foundation’s proposed $160 million project for the former Marquette General Hospital could help grow Marquette and increase available housing. Read more here.

As a part of our commitment to the Upper Peninsula, we collaborate with partners to share some of the most compelling stories about business and job growth across the region. Our goal through these stories is to get at the heart of what makes the U.P. unique — and to ensure these stories travel beyond our peninsula and broadly illustrate why the UP is the place to live and work.

If you have an idea for an article, please contact a staff or board member at InvestUP.

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