Van Straten partners to win “Car of the Year” for innovative technology

Van Straten Enterprises, Inc., located in Baraga, was recently awarded “Car of the Year” at the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Awards in Las Vegas, NV, for its X3 Solar Generator/Charging System in partnership with Ford that is integrated into the Ford Mustang. The VSE X3 Solar Generator/Charging System features removable solar panels on the hood and windshield and permanently fixed or optional removable solar panels on the roof and rear window louvers that allow users to continue to use an electric car to the fullest without access to an EV charging station.

“The SEMA Award celebrates the industry’s unique ability to identify and set trends that influence automotive enthusiasts worldwide,” said Chris Kersting, SEMA President and CEO. “Consumers are able to look at SEMA Award winners for guidance on which vehicles offer the greatest opportunities for customization.” Read more here.

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