New Longyear company creates high-tech jobs and strengthens Upper Peninsula’s medical device cluster

MARQUETTE, Michigan. (October 31, 2018) Michigan’s Governor Rick Snyder recently visited the Upper Peninsula to celebrate the launch of a medical device company that will bring new job opportunities to the region.  Able Medical Devices, a new holding of Longyear, began production early this summer. The company got off to a strong start with an experienced team and a current 10,000-square foot facility with leading edge prototyping and production technologies.

Over the past 145 years, Longyear has built a highly successful entrepreneurial holding company. With deep roots in the Upper Peninsula, the company is dedicated to continued investment in Michigan. While Longyear has more than 140 employees in the region, Able added twelve more jobs in just six months of operation, with more to come.

During his tour of the facility, Governor Snyder recognized the caliber and experience of Able’s founding leadership team. He noted, “Although the company is new, you already have a reputation in the medical device industry of having an exceptional team. That gives you the potential to begin generating business right away.”

Governor Snyder also recognized the talent pipeline from Michigan Tech and Northern Michigan Universities that will allow Able to continue growing its engineering and manufacturing bench strength. Eric Baldwin, Able’s Vice President and General Manager, concurs. He mentioned, “People want to live in the Marquette area for its great lifestyle and outdoor recreation.  Able is a perfect fit for the region because we are a home for its brightest talent.”

Able marks an expansion of interests for Longyear, which has traditionally focused on natural resources. Steve Hicks, President of Longyear said, “I’m particularly proud of Able. This new endeavor allows us to continue our entrepreneurial legacy.”

Able joins a cluster of advanced manufacturers and research institutes that are collectively growing the region’s reputation as a medical device hub. Able Medical Devices develops and produces precision medical components such as orthopedic implants and surgical instruments. They join a group of other high-tech companies such as Calumet Electronics, RTI Surgical, Online Engineering, L’Anse Manufacturing and more.

As a part of our commitment to the Upper Peninsula, we collaborate with partners to share some of the most compelling stories about business and job growth across the region. Our goal through these stories is to get at the heart of what makes the U.P. unique — and to ensure these stories travel beyond our peninsula and broadly illustrate why the UP is the place to live and work.

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